Sabre and Quill Publishers
Sabre and Quill Publishers

The Olive Diaries

Olive Diaries’ is a collection of seven sensitive stories that brings out precious moments from the lives of ordinary people and their extraordinary deeds. It is not just a saga of exceptional bravery and courage but an authentic account of trials and tribulations in the lives of faceless heroes putting their heart and soul into everything that they do. The stories gently reveal to the readers, finer nuances of the lives of our real heroes while they live their qualifying acts. These brave hearts go on doing what they think they ought to be doing, unmindful of the fact that it invariably remains much beyond the call of their duty. All stories in this collection are born out of some very personal and intimate experiences of the author who has spent over three decades in the Indian Army as a commissioned officer. This book is for all those who are not afraid of breaking myths and stereotypes that have been built around the sentinels of this great nation.
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Rs.361.00 Rs.399.00
The Olive Diaries
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